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北京理工大学珠海学院简介 北京理工大学珠海学院学校怎么样

2023-07-20 12:18:31 | 好学网
























































我们北京理工大学珠海学院录取分数位于省内独立院校第一名,我是北京理工大学珠海学院在校生 在笑一年,学校交通便利,宿舍环境好,一般以四人间为主,有空调洗衣机电梯,校内也有巴士和单车,食堂也很多品类多种多样,而且学习氛围也很好,图书馆,网络,这些硬件设施也都很齐全,而且社团活动和学校组织的各种活动也是多种多样,总之就是学校很好,不管是从硬件还是软件方面都很好








Advanced Independent College of China


Top 10 Independent College in China


No.1 in science and engineering disciplines among “Five-Star” independent colleges


The first group of pilot higher education institutions for undergraduate program transformation for general universities and colleges in Guangdong Province


The most influential brand in education since 40 years of reform and opening up of China


Beijing Institute of Technology,Zhuhai was established on May 8, 2004 with the approval of the Ministry of Education of China. Up to now, the University has 18 professional colleges (teaching departments), covering 61 undergraduate programs in seven disciplines, and more than 22,000 full-time undergraduate students. Supported by the sponsoring university of Beijing Institute of Technology, the University adheres to the ideal of "emphasizing quality, elevating connotation, refining characteristics and creating brand", with outstanding characteristics and distinct advantages in engineering majors and coordinated development of engineering, science, management, arts, economics, law and art, the University is selected into the first batch of pilot colleges and universities in Guangdong province designated for transformation of undergraduate program.好学网


Cultivation of talents


As an important extension and strategic component of Beijing Institute of Technology, the University establishes 18 professional teaching units including Schools of Information Technology, Computer Technology, Industrial Automation, Aviation, Materials and Environment, Business, Accounting and Finance, Civil and Commercial Law, Foreign Languages, Design and Art, Applied Science and Civil Engineering, Bryant University-BITZH Program, College of Global Talents, Marxism, Honors College, Continuing Education, Entrepreneurship and Sports Department. The University currently has more than 22,000 full-time undergraduate students and more than 60000 graduates. The employment rate of graduates is above 95%, and the quality of employment continues to improve. More than half of the graduates are employed in Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


Inheriting the Yan’an spirit and educational concept of Beijing Institute of Technology, the University has successfully grasped the opportunity, pioneered innovation and identified the accurate positioning, and gradually established an education and teaching system with clear objectives, diverse professional disciplines, prominent features, qualified teachers, complete facilities, and solid organizational systems, and realized rapid and leaping development.


Adhering to the motto of "Developing virtues for seeking truth; Pursuing study for perfecting practice", the University has cultivated the spirit of "diligence and practicality" and "preciseness and integrity" and is committed to educate talents of compound and applied knowledge with lofty aspirations, solid foundation, strong body, tranquil mind, innovative spirit and international vision.


Inheriting the advantages of brand disciplines and specialties of Beijing Institute of Technology as foundation and relying on the characteristics of the industrial structure of Guangdong Province, especially the Pearl River Delta, the University sets up majors with distinction and characteristics to actualize the applicational, innovative and compound features of the disciplines. At present, the University has 61 undergraduate majors, 34 of which are science and engineering majors, amounting to 55.73%. The professional structure of these majors is basically targeting at and connecting to the pillar industries that are developed as focus in the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area, such as general aviation, electronic information, intelligent manufacturing, software, chemical industry, integrated circuit, smart grid, new energy vehicles, Internet of Things, big data, 3D printing, etc. It has formed a distinctive application-oriented professional system with a high degree of integration of engineering majors, a high degree of correlation between professional system and industrial chain, and a high degree of conformity between professional layout and the leading industries in the Pearl River Delta.


The University has 8 provincial-level comprehensive reform pilot majors, including accounting, mechanical engineering and automation, computer science and technology, chemical engineering and technology, information management and information systems, electronic science and technology, engineering management, and financial management, and one provincial-level application-oriented talent cultivation demonstration major in mechanical engineering, 1 provincial-level strategic emerging industry characteristic major in information engineering, 2 provincial-level characteristic majors in law and international economics and trade, electronic science and technology, mechanical engineering, automation, environmental engineering, software Engineering and other, law, international economics and trade, 5 majors that have passed IEET engineering and technology education certification; 1 provincial-level characteristic key discipline in mechanical engineering, 2 provincial-level key cultivated disciplines in communication and information system, and chemical engineering; 3 municipal-level superior disciplines in mechanical engineering, communication and information systems, and chemical engineering.


To deepen the reform of education and teaching system, and innovate mechanisms and models of talent development, the University has implemented the "full credit system" since 2016 students; the University is deepening the transformation and development of the application-oriented undergraduate education, actively promoting international professional certification, and striving to enhance the academic value and international competitiveness of its undergraduate programs. In 2018, the "3 + X Application-oriented Talents Cultivation Mode in Electronic Information Class Driven by Dual Forces of Combination of Industry and Education and Collaborative Innovation" submitted by the School of Information Technology of the University won the second prize of provincial teaching achievements of the Guangdong Education and Teaching Achievement Award for 2017 of the Education Bureau of Guangdong Province. The project of Promoting the Innovation and Practice of the Cultivation Mode of Compound Application Talents in Mechanical by "Cross Integration and Collaborative Education" of the School of Industrial Automation won the second prize of the 2019 Guangdong Provincial Education and Teaching Achievement Award (Higher Education).


Students take an active part in various technology, innovation and entrepreneurship related academic competitions, and since 2011, they have won the national university students' mathematical modeling contest, the national undergraduate electronic design competition, the national university students' mechanical innovation design competition, American college students' mathematical modeling contest, "Challenge Cup" national university students' entrepreneurship competition and other major competitions, all together more than 400 third prize or above awards at the provincial level.



学校的师资队伍以北京理工大学为依托,海纳百川,广聚贤才。经过十余载发展,逐步形成一支年富力强,结构合理,专兼职结合的教师队伍;拥有一大批理论基础扎实,实践经验丰富的 “双师型”教师,高度吻合应用型人才培养的需求。教授、副教授等具有副高及以上专业技术职务的教师占比30%,具有硕士及以上学位的教师占比86%。目前已形成以校本部学科带头人和骨干教师为核心,以具有高级职称的教师为主力,以具有博士、硕士学位的优秀中青年教师为支撑的较科学、合理的师资队伍。中国工程院院士朵英贤、中国社会科学院学部委员梁慧星、著名统计学家方开泰、国家级教学名师焦永和等一批专家名师受聘在学校工作。

With the support of Beijing Institute of Technology, the University has attracted talents from different parts of the world. After more than ten years of development, the University has gradually established a team of energetic teachers under a reasonable structure and a combination of full-time and part-time jobs. It has a large number of "doubly-qualified" teachers with solid theoretical foundation and rich practical experience, who greatly fulfill the needs of application-oriented talent cultivation. Professors, associate professors and other professional teachers with associate high or above account for 30%, and teachers with a master's degree or above account for 86%. At present, a teaching team has been scientifically and rationally established, with academic leaders and prominent teachers as the core, teachers with senior professional titles as the main force, and outstanding young and middle-aged teachers with doctoral and master degrees as the support. Duo Yingxian, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Liang Huixing, member of the Division of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Fang Kaitai, a famous statistician, Jiao Yonghe, a national-level famous teacher and other experts have been hired to work at the campus.


With Academician Zhou Liwei, Academician Duo Yingxian, Academician Gan Xiaohua, Liang Huixing of Division of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Ni Guoqiang and other experts as the core, the University has established 7 scientific research and innovation teams in opto-electronic technology and intelligent manufacturing system, civil UAV technology, printed materials, high end manufacturing, civil and commercial law, port and shipping logistics, and industrial ecology. In the past few years, a total of 19 experts and professors have been employed as science and technology commissioners of Guangdong Province, and 5 teachers have been included in the "Outstanding Young Teachers Training Program of Guangdong Province".


College conditions


The University is located in the beautiful Tangjia Bay of Zhuhai City, leaning against the verdant foothills of Phoenix Mountain to the north and facing the vast South China Sea. The Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway and the Guangdong Western Coastal Expressway pass through the northeast of the college.

The east gate of the University faces the Tangjia Bay station of Guangzhou-Zhuhai Metro Rail. It takes 50 minutes to travel between Zhuhai and Guangzhou. The transportation is very convenient. The 200,000 square meters of artificial lake ripples on the campus, and the green environment reaches more than 80% of the total area of the campus. The green trees are shaded, the birds and flowers are scented, and the shallow pools are dotted with clear water. It is tranquil and elegant, making it an ideal place for students to study and live.


The University has used more than 500,000 square meters to build teaching and supporting facilities such as teaching buildings, libraries, laboratories, student dormitories and student canteens, and more than 100,000 square meters for sports venues.


The University has completed quality teaching facilities and advanced technology. It has built 52 laboratories (centers) for information, computers, machinery, chemicals, materials, art and design. Among them, there are 6 provincial-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, including engineering training center, electronic information basic experimental teaching demonstration center, chemistry and chemical experiment center, mechanical and vehicle college experimental center, physics experiment teaching center, and business comprehensive simulation training center; 8 provincial-level experimental (practical) teaching bases including electronic information practice teaching base and embedded system design application-oriented talent training practice base; 2 provincial-level collaborative education platforms including general aviation and electronic information innovation and entrepreneurship; the total number of practice teaching bases built jointly by schools and enterprises is 364.


The University has established 23 scientific research platforms at all levels, including a provincial and ministerial laboratory, the Zhuhai branch of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Imaging Technology and Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology, and a provincial engineering technology center, Guangdong Environmentally Friendly Ink Engineering Technology R&D Center , 3 municipal collaborative innovation centers: High-end Manufacturing Collaborative Innovation Center, Optoelectronic Information Technology and Application Collaborative Innovation Center, Printed Materials Collaborative Innovation Center, 3 municipal key laboratories: Mechanical Manufacturing System Engineering Key Laboratory, Smart Grid and New Energy Technology Key Laboratory, Civil UAV Key Laboratory, 1 municipal public laboratory ink coating technology and pilot test public laboratory, 1 municipal public technology platform machine vision municipal public technology service platform, and 6 municipal social science research base.


Based on the campus network, the University has realized informatization of all activities from teaching and learning environment, teaching and learning resources to teaching and scientific research management. The University also established the University Student Affairs Center, which is the first of its kind in Guangdong Province in terms of scale and operation mode. Its service items include 36 services including fee charging and recharging, student financial aid, educational administration management, logistics management, household registration management, community services, commercial insurance, network and card services, and lost and found service.


The University actively builds a student innovation and entrepreneurship platform, among which the entrepreneurship workshop is recognized as a municipal-level entrepreneurial incubator. There are currently 35 incubated companies, 32 of which have completed business registration. The proportion of graduates who start their own businesses after three years was 8.7%, higher than the national figure of 5.4% in the same period.


International exchange and cooperation


International and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan exchanges and cooperation are a new highlight of the University's development. In recent years, the University has attached great importance to the development of international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan exchanges and cooperation program. Up to now, it has signed exchange and cooperation agreements with 72 universities abroad (overseas).


The University’s cooperative education project with Bryant University of the United States was approved by the Ministry of Education and currently has more than 400 students; in 2016, the Sino-American International College (later renamed College o Global Talents) was established to carry out joint training and undergraduate and postgraduate programs with high-quality American universities (University of New Mexico, Georgetown University, Pace University, Morse University, The University of Kentucky), and has enrolled more than 900 students.


The University pays special attention to exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan. So far, it has signed cooperation agreements and established cooperation projects with 13 universities in Taiwan. More than 790 students have gone to Taiwan universities for short-term study and exchange; more than 100 teachers and management staff went to universities in Taiwan for further study; our college also recruited teachers from Taiwan, and currently there are 31 teachers in Taiwan; for six consecutive years, we have held the "Cross Strait One Family" student cultural exchange camp with many universities in Taiwan, with a total of 218 Taiwanese students coming to our campus for exchange visits.


Honor deeds


In 2005, the University passed the special inspection of the Ministry of Education for its high quality. The expert group of the Ministry of Education spoke highly of our college’s education and teaching work as a model of prestigious colleges.


In 2006, the University was selected 4th in National Influence ranking and 7th in Activeness ranking, and as one of the “Top 10 Independent Universities in China · Consumer Brand Activeness and Influence”; in 2008, the University ranked 7th in national influence and was selected into the "2008 China's Top 10 Independent Universities” in the 2008 Evaluation Research Report on Private University in China published by Chinese Alumni Association website, "University" magazine and 21st Century Talent Newspaper ; in July 2010, the college stood out from the 322 independent university nationwide , and was awarded "National Advanced Independent University ". In 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2019, the University has been rated as "Top Ten Independent University of Brands" and "Independent University of Brand Influence of the Year" by Xinhuanet, Tencent and Sina.com.


In December 2011, all new bachelor degree awarding units and majors of the University passed the evaluation in 2011.


In November 2014, the Guangdong Independent University’s Strength List was released, and our University was rated as "five-star" with the "first place in science and engineering strength".


In 2015, the University took the lead in entering the 2A batch of enrollment in Guangdong Province.


In 2016, the University was selected as the first batch of pilot universities for undergraduate transformation of ordinary universities in Guangdong Province.


In 2017, the University ranked third in the "2017 China Independent University Competitiveness Rankings" jointly issued by the China Science Evaluation Research Center, Wuhan University China Education Quality Evaluation Center and China Science and Education Evaluation Network, and was selected as the Top 10 comprehensive strength of Wu Shulian 2017 China Independent College, Top 10 Alumni Association 2017 Best Independent Colleges in China's Secondtier Cities, well recognized by the society.


In April 2018, the University college was awarded the "International Influence Independent University ".


In May 2018, the college was awarded the "Most Influential Education Brand in 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up". Chairman Wang Taoguang was awarded the "Top Ten Leaders in China's Private Education Industry in 2018" and was elected as the "Vice Chairman of the China Private Education Leaders Alliance".


In 2019, the college was awarded the "2019 Independent University of Brand Influence" by Xinhuanet and the "2019 Independent College of Comprehensive Influence" by Tencent.com.


Development Vision


Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, with its innovative educational model and agile educational mechanism, rich educational resources and huge development potential, emphasizes consistently on quality, elevates connotation, refines characteristics, and creates brand. It has established firmly with a base in Zhuhai, serving Guangdong, and facing the country and the world and continued to strive create an application-oriented prestigious college.



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